How to find your vocal pitch/scale (part-2) | Female
How to find your vocal pitch/scale (part-2) | Female

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In this lesson we will discuss how we can decide our pitch or scale (this lesson is for females). If you are a male, please watch this lesson, How to find your scale | Male. As we discussed in the previous lesson, females generally sing in G#, A, A# or B pitches. If your voice has more base, then most likely lower pitches such G#, A or even G should be your pitch. Similarly, for sharper voices A, A# or B pitch should be your pitch. In whatever pitch/scale we choose, we should try singing from mandra saptak Pa to taar saptak Pa. We will first start in pitch G#. Try to sing from mandra saptak (lower octave) Pa to taar saptak (higher octave) Pa. Watch the video above for the demonstration. Initially, it may also happen that your voice may go up only till taar saptak Sa or Re or Ga, which is normal. And it doesn't mean you should move to a lower pitch such as F# or F. With regular riyaz, you should be able to improve your range. We will discuss more about it in a later lesson. If you are having difficulty in singing lower notes in G# pitch, then try in this pitch A. Likewise, if singing lower notes is difficult in A pitch, then try A# pitch. Watch the video for the demonstration. If you are learning from a Guru, you can also consult with them about your pitch. We sincerely hope this lesson helped. If you still have any queries, please do leave a comment, or contact us (details at the bottom of this page).
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